Best Use for Ramzaan (Ramadan)
Tasbeeh Counter app is a simple and free app which allows you to count when you perform zikkar, prayers and can be used for general counting as well, No need to count on finger.
Instruction & Features:
★ Save previous count
★ Can reset to zero
★ Volume up and down keys to increment and decrements counter
★ Vibration effect while counting
★ Free App
★ Small Size
Feel free to send us your comments. Your feedback is important to us.
Gunakan Terbaik untuk Ramzaan (Ramadan)
Tasbeeh Kontra app adalah aplikasi sederhana dan gratis yang memungkinkan Anda untuk menghitung ketika Anda melakukan zikkar, doa dan dapat digunakan untuk menghitung umum juga, Tidak perlu mengandalkan jari.
Instruksi & Fitur:
★ Simpan count sebelumnya
★ Dapat ulang ke nol
★ Volume atas dan bawah tombol untuk kenaikan dan decrements melawan
★ efek Getaran sementara menghitung
★ Gratis App
★ Ukuran Kecil
Jangan ragu untuk mengirimkan komentar Anda. Tanggapan Anda penting bagi kami.
Best Use for Ramzaan (Ramadan)
Tasbeeh Counter app is a simple and free app which allows you to count when you perform zikkar, prayers and can be used for general counting as well, No need to count on finger.
Instruction & Features:
★ Save previous count
★ Can reset to zero
★ Volume up and down keys to increment and decrements counter
★ Vibration effect while counting
★ Free App
★ Small Size
Feel free to send us your comments. Your feedback is important to us.